Registration of chemistry goods (the order of the Federal Customs Service Nr.1919 from 20.09.2011(PDF))
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The company «ProftTrade» is a licensed customs agent
The Certificate of entry in the Register of customs representativesThe company «ProftTrade» is a licensed customs agent (broker) from April 2011 (the Certificate № 0446/01). The company employs more than 20 declarants working at the terminal site (temporary storage warehouse), and at our office in Moscow. All employees have broad experience in the registration of all types of cargoes within various customs procedures and in addition they specialize in products of chemical industry. The company renders a full complex of services in customs declaration, customs operations and customs procedures.
Our complex of services includes also free informational and consulting support for our clients on export/import legislation, customs legislation, international monetary policies, customs logistics and foreign trade activity. The companies «InterLine» and «ProftTrade» have joint management, which helps to optimize the interaction between all employees. This is highly important for such a difficult and responsible work as customs clearance. Accuracy and automation of all business processes let us increase the convenience, speed and quality of the services we offer. These are the key features our company focuses on. Accuracy and automation let us also reduce the rates of the services and risks for its clients.