Registration of chemistry goods (the order of the Federal Customs Service Nr.1919 from 20.09.2011(PDF))
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Temporary storage warehouse
The certificate of inclusion in the Register of owners of temporary storage
The certificate of inclusion in the register of owners of customs warehouses The company «InterLine» was founded in 2000. In 2008 the company’s warehouse Interline was entered in a list of temporary storage warehouses. The temporary storage warehouse is located in the Sergiev Posad district, which is 73 km from Moscow following the Yaroslavsky Highway. It is situated on the territory of the Institute of «RosCosmos», town of Remmash, near the big Moscow Ring A-108, between the highway M-10 (Moscow-St. Petersburg) and M-8 (Moscow-Yaroslavl).
Krasnozavodsky Customs Post of the Moscow Regional Customs is located near the temporary storage warehouse. Highly qualified inspectors are capable to deal with tasks of any complexity, with all types of cargoes under the different customs procedures. Also the post is allowed to perform customs operations with the goods of chemical industry in accordance with the Order of Federal Customs Service of Russia from 20.09/2011 Nr. 1919.
The temporary storage warehouse can place on its territory up to 150 full-size trucks and 5 714 cubic meters of cargoes. X-ray devices and modern technical inventory tools provide customs inspection in the shortest time. The cargo handling team is accredited to work with cargoes of different danger degrees. The registration of flammable and explosive substances is also possible. There is a Fire Department of the Emergency Control Ministry of Russia placed on the territory and the warehouse itself is located far from the large settlements. There is also a scientific lab to work with products of chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
Our business assets (convenient location of the temporary storage warehouse, commercial warehouse, customs post «Krasnozavodsky» of the Moscow Regional Customs on its territory, other subdivision of ZAO «InterLine», located directly at the temporary storage warehouse and in Moscow) and additional specialty in chemical goods make the cooperation with us more attractive. This fact is confirmed by the growing positive market reputation of ZAO «InterLine» and positive reviews of our major customers such as for example «Karcher».